The easiest way to hire logistics professionals
Connect with 10.000+ logistics professionals and hire the right talent who fits your company's needs and culture.
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Sourcing talent in logistics has never been easier.
- Sign Up
- Creating your account on Smarthronline is super easy. It takes you just 1 minute, and it is free!
- Find Talent
- See what you are paying for in advance. You can easily check if we have fitting logistics professionals for your company.
- Start a Conversation
- Post a job and send message to relevant candidates.
- Hire!
- Save your time with 95% response rate on your conversations.
- No Limits!
- There are no limits on Smarthronline. Post unlimited jobs and send unlimited messages to candidates during your subscription period.
- Direct Conversations
- Message any candidates you choose and start a direct conversation.
- Hire Quicker
- Only candidates related to logistics & international transport can apply for your positions. With 95% response rates, build your team quicker than other channels.
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